I am an Associate Professor at Baylor University.  I joined their Philosophy Department in 2020. Before coming to Baylor, I taught for 11 years at Texas A&M.

Here are things I've written. 

Here is my Curriculum Vitae, updated Sept. 1, 2022.

My research primarily concerns analytic metaphysics and philosophy of religion.  

  • In metaphysics, I write about the nature of objects and their properties. On the property side, I'm interested in the debate between those who take properties to be universals and those who take properties to be tropes. On the substance side, I'm interested in the debate between bundle theories and substance-attribute theories.

  • In philosophy of religion, I write about God's relationship to creatures and their properties. I am particularly interested in the nature of creaturely properties and powers in a world sustained by God, creaturely uniqueness and the individuative power of divine love, the problem of evil, and the compatibility of freedom and impeccability.

My Training: I received my Ph.D in 2009 from the University of Notre Dame.  My dissertation advisor was Michael Loux and my committee included Alvin Plantinga, Michael Rea, and Peter van Inwagen


  • for Baylor-specific matters: Robert_K_Garcia at baylor dot edu

  • for everything else: robertkgarcia at gmail dot com